
By Anonymous - 09/05/2010 16:29 - United Kingdom

Today, if it wasn't already embarrassing enough to tell my boyfriend I was on my period, I had to explain what a period is in the first place, how it works, and why it means nothing can happen during that time of the month. He's twenty. FML
I agree, your life sucks 49 452
You deserved it 6 780

Same thing different taste

Top comments

Oh. No sex while the woman is on her period? Well, it never stopped me...

softballG 0

you shouldn't feel embarassed for telling him. he should be embarassed for not knowing what a period is.


What do you mean "and why it means nothing can happen during that time of the month" If you think you can't have sex, then you are perhaps even more ignorant than you're BF, at least he's asked the question, and knows something now. It's blood, you can **** all month long. One part of the month, don't use white sheets...but other than that, have fun all month long, it's a great cure for period pains!

secretlyshy 0

You shouldn't be having sex if you're embarrassed to tell your boyfriend that you're on your period. Besides, at least he's asking to inform himself about the entire thing.

I had a buddy who thought a girls period consisted of her bleeding out of her ass. My buddy is 23, you don't have it THAT bad. Still sucks though.

Yeah that's funny. My friend told me one time how her partner was curious about it, and then one time she told him to look at her bloody tampon. To add to it, he looked at it for a bit too long. I have to admit, a lot of guys out there mustn't have a clue. No surprise either, because even in sex ed, they are likely to divide you so that you don't get taught about it, yet the girls do.

xxxviii 5

LOL,,what do you mean "nothing can happen that time of the month?" in my 45 years on this earth, prob 30 of those years have been having sex. In my limited experience with the opposite sex, it is better, hotter and more sensative than ever. there is no draw backs except if there is cramping and to handle the blood I would suggest putting a few towels down..............sheesh, what do they teach these kids these days? LOL

nickk72 0

dude I know this shit as a 13 year old,, sad sad

I completely understand your situation OP... I went through the same thing yesterday with my 19 year old boyfriend! Apparently, he wasn't paying attention in 8th grade bio class... pft

WOW hahaha my boyfriend did the same thing to me only ive had to explain it 4 times and his turning 18 and science as an elective

WOW i've known what a period is since i was like 11 or 12, but just so you know, there's nothing wrong with period sex. I've done it many times. but ya you should dump his retarded ass, there is no excuse for being 20 and not knowing something as basic as that...