
By Anonymous - 09/05/2010 16:29 - United Kingdom

Today, if it wasn't already embarrassing enough to tell my boyfriend I was on my period, I had to explain what a period is in the first place, how it works, and why it means nothing can happen during that time of the month. He's twenty. FML
I agree, your life sucks 49 452
You deserved it 6 780

Same thing different taste

Top comments

Oh. No sex while the woman is on her period? Well, it never stopped me...

softballG 0

you shouldn't feel embarassed for telling him. he should be embarassed for not knowing what a period is.


DGAFprincess 0

I don't get why you couldt have sex! it's perfectly fine to have sex on your period. annnnd you shouldn't have been embarrassed to tell him you were on your period either. it's a natural part of life for every woman. but you definitely need to find a boyfriend who isn't a moron. and you need to not be so insecure! my bf and I have sex anytime of the month! and it helps with cramps :)

Every 28 days, you end a sentence. Its that simple!

my friend had to explain that to her bf it was funny I was cracking up the whole time I really don't Like him

ARNGwifey 0

the only reason something couldn't happen then is if he's grossed out. yes it is possible to get prego on your period, but highly unlikely. Your period means that your released egg is now dead and leaving your body.

YDI for not letting him find out the hard way. He deserves it for not knowing, I mean wtf...

he was most likely doing it for attention. what a dousche I hate guys like that. it's so annoying.

notsofriendly 17

just pop a plastic liner under a sheet and get back to business. actually its kind of great to **** during your period. can ease up cramping and if nothing else its excellent natural and totally free lube

I guess this is the "voice of reason" but if you're embarrassed to talk to your BF about your period, maybe you shouldn't be having sex.

Liontamer2 0

I think you're kind of missing the point. The point is the the BF is a bit of a dope and doesn't know half of what a 20 year-old should know. You shouldn't have to talk to your boyfriend like he's your son and you're teaching him the facts of life.

Well, yes the BF is an ignorant who never asked himself basic questions.. however, it's not forbidden to have sex during the period (well, except when it hurts, but that depends on each woman). It's different than "regular" sex. The main inconveniant is that you have to wash the sheets quite soon ^^