
By Anonymous - 09/05/2010 16:29 - United Kingdom

Today, if it wasn't already embarrassing enough to tell my boyfriend I was on my period, I had to explain what a period is in the first place, how it works, and why it means nothing can happen during that time of the month. He's twenty. FML
I agree, your life sucks 49 452
You deserved it 6 780

Same thing different taste

Top comments

Oh. No sex while the woman is on her period? Well, it never stopped me...

softballG 0

you shouldn't feel embarassed for telling him. he should be embarassed for not knowing what a period is.


#48 is right don't think you can't get pregnant on your rag!!! my child was concieved when my girl was on hers we had trouble when going by her fertillity calander so the doctor told us to try when she was one her period and wam she got pregnant!!!

I learned what that was when I was 10, 10!!!

fmlxxxx 0
skyeyez9 24

Before I moved, I had neighbors that homeschools their two kids, and keeps them so socially isolated, that they are clueless on body functions of the opposite sex. Granted they are 10 and 11 but Im sure they will be just as ignorant at age 20. Not allowed to watch tv, no internet, no modern toys, and only allowed to play with a couple other children from their church.

hassenpfeffermmm 0

I felt bad for your boyfriend. He was way more embaressed than you.

skyeyez9 24

# 76: 99 pounds for a person 5ft4 is pretty tiny. My mom is 5ft and 100lbs and she wears a size 3-4 jeans. It's weird to see her eat a bunch of food and never gain weight. She was later diagnosed with hyperthyroidism which explained why she's so thin. She has the metabolism of a hummingbird.

qriztyy4747 3

what kind of school system do you have?! most guys at least KNOW what it is!

wow... there's something wrong with that boy.


he's prolly jaykayying... or he's just stupid..