
By Anonymous - 09/05/2010 16:29 - United Kingdom

Today, if it wasn't already embarrassing enough to tell my boyfriend I was on my period, I had to explain what a period is in the first place, how it works, and why it means nothing can happen during that time of the month. He's twenty. FML
I agree, your life sucks 49 452
You deserved it 6 780

Same thing different taste

Top comments

Oh. No sex while the woman is on her period? Well, it never stopped me...

softballG 0

you shouldn't feel embarassed for telling him. he should be embarassed for not knowing what a period is.


I'm guessing your mouth hurts during your period too. no? stfu.

hahaha a period is menstrual cycle not a dot what??? xD

ydi for having and idiot as a boyfriend.

you can have sex while on your period. quite sure it won't injure you.

YDI for dating a mentally challenged guy and conplaining about it.

a little blood never hurt nobody.. takes a real man to do it though haha.. sex on the rag is the hottest, when it's not the heavy day lmao.. is it just me cause I get horny on my rag = wait it's not just on my rag haha =P

enkounter 0

what re you talking about??! periods are the best time to have sex because there is no risk of pregnancy,and girls are extra horny during their time of the month. I mean as long as ur bf can get over the weird factor of there being some blood there's no other real concern...but fyl for having an idiot for a boyfriend hahaha

transcedental 18

You are wrong. You can get pregnant.. but i have to agree about the hornyness.. anyway, OP x_X you shouldn't be embarrassed, since he is your boyfriend .. poor guy :) in my country we don't have health class, but he lives in London o.o anyway, no need to be ashamed of explaining that ;)

this is exactly why Sex Ed is totally necessary, and abstinence programs need to die.