By Anonymous - 21/11/2010 14:49 - United States

By Anonymous - 21/11/2010 14:49 - United States
By woah - 04/05/2011 11:51 - United States
By Cantgetno - 20/09/2011 07:45 - United States
By O-|---<=~ - 18/10/2013 23:01 - United States - Bellingham
By Jessie - 25/11/2011 06:13 - United States
By me. - 01/12/2012 14:54 - United States
By rebekah - 03/04/2009 19:39 - United States
By Anonymous - 09/05/2010 16:29 - United Kingdom
By Anonymous - 29/05/2016 15:15 - Denmark
By Alicia - 21/01/2010 05:02 - United States
By Eva - 13/02/2011 09:32 - France
teach her yourself man don't be a lazy ass..
@every1luvsboners lezbians probably don't
#97 you couldn't afford it, especially with a face like that
108 then why do most lesbians love to suck ******? They don't like men because most of us pull out to early or can't give them a proper ******.
You can swim in the Red Sea, just don't drink the water.
I see what you did there 98.
204 go home, you have no clue. Girls can pee with a tampon in. There are SEPARATE holes...
Guys don't need to know this stuff. The only reason girls know how the male body works is that it's so SIMPLE! One hole in the back, one pipe at the front. Nothing more nothing less. The female's body is way more complex. Girls are just BORN complicated.
That's nice. You learn something new everyday.
@#31 I'm sorry, but never before did I ask myself if a woman could pee without soiling her tampon. I honestly have no idea how deep you shove a tampon in your genitals, ladies. That sounded like a legit question to me and I learned something today. Thanks.
So he doesn't know a lot about the female anatomy. I don't see how this is an FML.
Indeed, you should not elaborate on anal menstruation.
How are you stupid for not knowing that?
hahahahaha what a fairy
156- lol, I tell my friends the same thing :) then they complain that I'm skinnier than them and "too sexy" to complain.... they're mostly guys... can u say awkward?
hahahaha face palm....xD lmao thats funnyy α ´αγίεο
What a Moron. -.-' Guys are idiots!
Ohh. low blow.
It's not like we can look down and count them -_-
I'm ashamed to live in the same state as u amber
nope guess not there's another hole??
oddly enough, in the school i went to they seperated the boys and girls in sex ed. then they told us about our wee wees... uhh i mean penises. and thats it. no vaginal talk at all. in fact, i didnt know women had so many holes until i started coming to this site.
well since you are a female and it is your body if you didnt know you'd be a ******* idiot men on the other hand dont learn this at all
Speak your mind, but please try and be respectful.
Wait, there are 2 holess??
vaginal opening and urethra. I think that's what the first ones called
How do you know the difference?
win ^
the pee hole is really tiny, like yours in the penis. But the ****** can stretch enormozsly when aroused. The openings are close together and both covered with the labia. Just look at cross section pictures on wikipedia.
If there was a 'Facepalm' button, now would be the time to use it.
mine are like that, too but with layers of fat on top