
By Misunderstood - 08/02/2009 05:35 - United Kingdom

Today, I got a few notes from this girl I've liked at school for about two years, telling me she feels the same way. My dad knocked on the door and I panicked and said, "Hold on!" I shoved them under my pillow, then told him to come in. He said, "Son, it's perfectly normal to masturbate." FML
I agree, your life sucks 37 170
You deserved it 11 648

Same thing different taste

Top comments

jkqd 1

Apparently a lot of people can't imagine how embarrassed you might be as a child/teenager just realizing you're going to be starting a relationship with someone you've secretly been in love with. Even if you weren't super embarrassed, who would respond to a sudden knock at this moment of epiphany by saying, "Come on in, Dad, this girl who've I've been obsessing over for two years finally loves me back, here read all the notes she just gave me talking about it in intimate detail"? Please.

I'm confused... why would you hide them? Were the letters somehow sexual in nature? In anycase, it was your fault for hiding things that weren't supposed to be hidden in the first place.


Wait, wait! Your dad actually KNOCKS?! God damn, you are lucky for that. On the other note; Your dad FTW.

JrRacer4007 0

Hey, he'll knock from then on and why would you act like a note is pot or something? Lol

Why would you be ashamed of that? I'd keep reading it.

There should be an option along with eff your life and you deserved it- your life is a sitcom. YLIAS, man. The laugh track would've been perfect after an incident like that.

gousafutbol 0

Ur dad must be Jim's dad from American Pie

Apart from that weird note from your dad, not pretty bad! This is everyone's dream right?

r83839 22

That's why you shove them under your pillow and then calmly tell your dad to come in. No need to panic and inform him you're hiding something.