Not now, Kelsey

By Amy - 01/04/2011 01:46 - United States

Today, after a huge row with my best friend at school, I hid myself away in the bathroom and quietly sobbed to myself. A kid loudly busted into the stall next to me and took a minute-long shit that sounded like a hailstorm of bullets. The putrid stench made me retch and violently throw up everywhere. FML
I agree, your life sucks 37 720
You deserved it 7 261

Same thing different taste

Top comments

A hailstorm of bullets??? What the **** is that kid eating???

ptxace 0


disgusting! very graphic story, I just lost my apetite :P

I love paramore and hayley Williams <3

perdix 29

I'll bet your ex-best friend paid some dude with a weak constitution 20 bucks to go into the girls' room and gas you with his notorious foul funk.

Uncool_LikeYou 0

it was about who was skinnier

I have NEVER heard of poop like that (bullets) and j am 49. Come on ???

what is a "huge row" mean. In English ?

Read the replies to #7, they explained what it is.

Pretty_Pink_Lady 10

It is already in English. I've never heard that phrase before today either, but it's pretty clear what it means. Context clues, my dear, context clues. and if that fails, GOOGLE.

Pretty_Pink_Lady 10

It was about which one Justin Beiber would like better.

jdengel 0

so where does row mean fight? just curious, not insulting

yanksby7 6

English speaking countries.

lolwutguy 0

great,another db making crappy puns on fml

HeaRTs_Girl 0

43, you're HOW OLD?! You're very creepy for being on FML. And, asshole, a row is a fight.