Not so smooth criminal

By Anonymous - 14/08/2013 09:11 - United States - Sanford

Today, I was visiting my cousin's farm. Going out for a morning stroll, I took an apple with me to munch along the way. As I was eating it, I heard a distant thumping sound and was suddenly slammed into the ground. When I looked up, a horse was eating my apple. I got mugged by a horse. FML
I agree, your life sucks 60 321
You deserved it 6 861

Same thing different taste

Top comments


tehdarkness 21

Once a goose stole a hot dog out of my hand.

skyeyez9 24

A donkey casually walked over to me while I was sitting in a chair eating an apple, and took it out of my hand and ate it. It then kept nudging me with its front hoof until I pet him. It was at "buckskin joes" a replica of an 1880s town in CO.

vanessa09865 23

oh man, that must've sucked but I swear to god, that is probably one of the funniest thing I've ever heard to date. I bathe in the hilarity of your situation.

LoopyLuuLuu 7

Bad Horse had to start somewhere. Dr. Horrible should take note and follow his example.

I guess you hadn't heard about the mass increase in horse gang related incidents?

incoherentrmblr 21

*plays old spice commercial theme song*