Oh dear…

By Wet Britches - This FML is from back in 2016 but it's good stuff - United States - Portland

Today, on my rush to get home from work to use the bathroom, I hit a deer. It startled me so badly that I wet myself. FML
I agree, your life sucks 9 020
You deserved it 1 713

Same thing different taste

Top comments

stevenJB 25

I can't tell much you grow to hate deer coming from growing up in a densly deer populated area. I've hit a few myself and they'll do more damage to the car than you do them half the time. let's be glad you wet yourself rather than waking up dead or inside an ambulance. it could've been worse believe me.

F the deer's life, I'd say... "Today, I really had to use the bathroom, so I quickly tried to cross the road. A human hit me with their car. FML"


stevenJB 25

I can't tell much you grow to hate deer coming from growing up in a densly deer populated area. I've hit a few myself and they'll do more damage to the car than you do them half the time. let's be glad you wet yourself rather than waking up dead or inside an ambulance. it could've been worse believe me.

I agree with this comment. I just can't understand the first sentence.

Yeah anything is better than waking up dead ;) :)

Dragonstorm786 17

#4, put a how in between tell and much.

cootiequeen4444 11

I have lived in an area densely populated with deer for around a quarter of a century and I have yet to grow into a hate deer. what a rip... :c

F the deer's life, I'd say... "Today, I really had to use the bathroom, so I quickly tried to cross the road. A human hit me with their car. FML"

The deer probably wet itself, too, if that's any consolation.


That's why I always keep a dunny roll in the car. Going behind a bush when it's urgent and there are no other options is a lot safer than rushing while driving and risking something happening.

a post from maine o/, i was hit by a deer once in my familys van when i was about 10-12 years old, it hit us broadside and we went tipping on our right 2 wheels and almost rolled over, we managed to correct our vehicle by leaning the opposite direction glad you are ok OP

Are you sure it wasn't a moose or something that hit you, because I just don't see a deer having the power to push a van onto 2 wheels.

paige_g2013 16

coming from Maine, I'm not all that surprised with the amount of deer in the state. You're very lucky all ya did was wet yourself! glad you're alright OP!

caseyface1123 15

The deer is probably having a bad day too