Oh oh, he's back

By fubuggie - 14/06/2013 05:57 - United States - Saint Albans

Today, while working the register, a known mentally-unstable man approached me. He ended up telling me that the Statue of Liberty is sexist and a screw-up by Washington. When I told him that the French made it, he told me to shut up and complained to my manager. He knows me by name now. FML
I agree, your life sucks 42 544
You deserved it 5 039

Same thing different taste

Top comments

Never argue with a crazy person. All it does is drag you down to their level, and bystanders won't be able to tell the difference.

You'd be suprised, Welshite. We all know what happened the last time someone disagreed with him... They were never heard from again. Ever.


RKD 23

Don't sweat it, OP! Just keep an eye out for him,,,one good thing is, he probably will forget it pretty quickly and move on to the next thing,,,just remember this for future reference and don't engage him again beyond what you have to do for your job!

Next time you see him, just repeat Kevin Hart's one pillow speech. "all day, just me, by myself, on the block, holding down, gun in my waist, straight face, all day, not a game, in jail by myself, one bed, no pillowcase, one pillow, didn't nobody write me, it was early, woke up, went back to sleep, took a nap, you ever go night night? you ever go night night!?!? everybody go night night!!!"

coolca134 4

well looks like you have to move now

If he is known be mentally unstable then why did you argue and correct him? He is obviously off his rocker and you knew this ahead of time. I can't see how you didn't bring this on yourself, YDI.

kidsgotastinky 11

You couldn't of just ignored him...

He should know your name due to your tag...but still if someone is mentally unstable it's better to let their comments or statements go it will cause a problem...this is an example...

Never correct a crazy person. Ever!!

DYI. Why would you even bother arguring with someone over something so stupid, when you already know they are not well in the head?

yourmofo 6

I wouldn't have told him about the French, I would have said aliens.