Oh oh, he's back

By fubuggie - 14/06/2013 05:57 - United States - Saint Albans

Today, while working the register, a known mentally-unstable man approached me. He ended up telling me that the Statue of Liberty is sexist and a screw-up by Washington. When I told him that the French made it, he told me to shut up and complained to my manager. He knows me by name now. FML
I agree, your life sucks 42 544
You deserved it 5 039

Same thing different taste

Top comments

Never argue with a crazy person. All it does is drag you down to their level, and bystanders won't be able to tell the difference.

You'd be suprised, Welshite. We all know what happened the last time someone disagreed with him... They were never heard from again. Ever.


roflstomp716 19

Never engage!! You brought that on yourself. Just smile and nod, OP.

I'd have told him that the statue of liberty is entirely metal, and being used as a giant mind control antenna. That'd shut him up.

Aiya. Working in a customer service position, you NEVER!!! correct a customer. EVER. Like someone else said, just smile and nod. THAT way you won't get fired. I'll call FYL this first time, but if it happens again that's def gunna be a YDI.