Oh oh, he's back

By fubuggie - 14/06/2013 05:57 - United States - Saint Albans

Today, while working the register, a known mentally-unstable man approached me. He ended up telling me that the Statue of Liberty is sexist and a screw-up by Washington. When I told him that the French made it, he told me to shut up and complained to my manager. He knows me by name now. FML
I agree, your life sucks 42 544
You deserved it 5 039

Same thing different taste

Top comments

Never argue with a crazy person. All it does is drag you down to their level, and bystanders won't be able to tell the difference.

You'd be suprised, Welshite. We all know what happened the last time someone disagreed with him... They were never heard from again. Ever.


Op.....you Knew the guy was mentally instable before hand. Why the hell did you contradict him at all? You knew the French made it, wasn't that enough for you? Sorry Op, for provoking the Nut-Bunny, you kinda deserved it, simply for knowing better. :p

Then the officer got out of his car and slowly approached the vehicle. He had his gun on his side and his hand resting steadily on it. He took a deep breath, then opened the mans car door. "Please step out of the vehicle." The obviously mentally ill man stepped out. The officer then recognized his own step brothers face. "I am sorry, Clyde, but I can not allow you to drive this car, and you very well know this." "AMERICA IS A LIE TO COVER UP WHAT IS BENEATH THE FALSE TREASURE! OBAMAS MAMAS 7 LLAMAS LIVE WITH HIM IN THE WHITEHOUSE!" The man then got in his car and drove to his local grocery store, leaving his step brother standing there in shock. sorry, got bored.

princess09 3

So you decided instead of commenting about the post, you would make up a story that has no relation to the FML at all... Sounds fun.

I want those two seconds it took me to read this nonsense back...

ok. My 12 year old step sister had my phone for 10 minutes. sorry for this post, please disregard it. (i cant delete from the app)

That's when you get his name in turn, so when he comes in to your place of work you can lightly mess with him--shaping the art of being a "regular". Hahaha!

perdix 29

After you get fired, you can hang out under the same bridge with that guy and explain to him that we only got the Statue nearly a century after Washington died. He may be crazy, but he shouldn't have that anachronism in his addled brain.

start calling him dad. that much confusion might make him think you are crazier and maybe he'll forget your name.

Or try to kill you because of some prophecy he overheard.

He's just a misunderstood genius, play a simple game of genius.

I think every place I've worked had at least one batshit crazy person. Seems like it's a little better when they are customers, not coworkers (or the boss!!!!)

Kc1001 14

Just say, "uh huh" and ignore him. I deal with stuff like this all the time at work.

An important adage to keep in mind the next time this happens (and it will, OP, it will because you now have been sprayed with crazy-person pheromones) is "Don't poke a skunk!!!" Sorry this happened but really, like everyone's saying, letting yourself try to have witty rejoinder with someone who's clearly crazy makes you seem crazy too and earns you a big fat YDI besides.....

Y'all need to learn a little kindness and humility. You've got no idea how terrifying and confusing mental illness can be. Be gentle with the guy, he's just a regular human under there.

olpally 32

Eh, wouldn't worry too much about it, especially if you and your manager know he's mentally unstable.