Oh oh, he's back

By fubuggie - 14/06/2013 05:57 - United States - Saint Albans

Today, while working the register, a known mentally-unstable man approached me. He ended up telling me that the Statue of Liberty is sexist and a screw-up by Washington. When I told him that the French made it, he told me to shut up and complained to my manager. He knows me by name now. FML
I agree, your life sucks 42 544
You deserved it 5 039

Same thing different taste

Top comments

Never argue with a crazy person. All it does is drag you down to their level, and bystanders won't be able to tell the difference.

You'd be suprised, Welshite. We all know what happened the last time someone disagreed with him... They were never heard from again. Ever.


If you knew he was unscrewed, then why'd you try to correct him in the first place? You knew that could not possibly end well.

Why did you say anything? Once had a dude who was a little slow serving a customer before me though he could talk all things Australian football, when it was my turn, asked me if I followed it, said no, I follow baseball, the shut him up, and he did his work. That's the way you gotta treat these people, don't wanna hear them talk, say something that will bamboozle them. They can't say nothing.

missdodd 6

you should never argue with the mentally unstable, they don't care if they are wrong or if they look like an ass.

That's why you just agree, is it that hard? Let them have their world.

When you know someone is mentally unstable you just nod your head and say "yup". Then they leave.

Well, it's no surprise that he complained. Everybody knows that it was commissioned by Washington and actually created by the Martians. It was actually meant to be a giant duck, but Hitler bribed the Martians to make it a lady in a dress.

whathefuckislife 11

you should've just agreed with him.

Since when is it ever a good idea to argue/correct a known mentally unstable person? That's asking for trouble...let's hope you don't get assaulted by the crazy person