Old-timey expressions

By sexualpopcorn - This FML is from back in 2014 but it's good stuff - United States - San Diego

Today, as I was saying bye to my girlfriend, I said, "See ya later, alligator." She took offense because she thought I was calling her ugly. FML
I agree, your life sucks 35 389
You deserved it 4 487

Top comments

DrMario_ 16

Next time go for something like "Goodbye, butterfly" or maybe something less cheesy :P

Your girlfriend has probably never heard that phrase before if she took offense from it. Tell her that you weren't trying to call her ugly and a lot of people say that to each other (Y'know because it rhymes).


Well... does she ever say Make it Spiffy Jiffy since you're Sexual Popcorn here on FML?

baileygirl88 8

She seems sensitive, compliment her more often

Your GF obviously was not taught that when she was younger. If your girlfriend gets mad at you for that... You've already lost. I say break up with her and say you need to see other people

itcomesinthrees 10

Just explain to her that it has nothing to do with her looks and that the correct reply to it is "In awhile, crocodile".

skittyskatbrat 19

Some people go through life looking for reasons to be offended and making other people apologize. If, on the off chance that she's lived under a rock her entire life (or in a different country) and managed to never hear that phrase on cartoons, movies, advertisements, between friends, etc., give her a chance to look it up and then apologize for taking offense where none was meant. If she doesn't apologize for being hateful to you due to her own mistake/misunderstanding, ditch her. That sort of behavior only continues. She'll look for absurd things to get "mad" about and then watch you apologize, get you to buy flowers, etc. and always be trying to make up for your perceived bad behavior. Screw that. If that's the case, go date an adult.

leave her. u deserve someone with sanity

skittyskatbrat 19

"Sorry, I meant to say "**** off, assface.""