Old-timey expressions

By sexualpopcorn - This FML is from back in 2014 but it's good stuff - United States - San Diego

Today, as I was saying bye to my girlfriend, I said, "See ya later, alligator." She took offense because she thought I was calling her ugly. FML
I agree, your life sucks 35 389
You deserved it 4 487

Top comments

DrMario_ 16

Next time go for something like "Goodbye, butterfly" or maybe something less cheesy :P

Your girlfriend has probably never heard that phrase before if she took offense from it. Tell her that you weren't trying to call her ugly and a lot of people say that to each other (Y'know because it rhymes).


Whatever you do don't say, "See ya 'round like a donut," or she's gonna think you're callin her fat! Sheesh! Some people are so sensitive!

You should have just replied "take the hint, polo mint". Kidding, of course! You would probably then be single. I'm sure she'll understand once you explain. Good luck, OP!

Attacksloth 33

See you in a year, dear. See you at two, boo. See you when it's sunny, honey. See you later maybe, baby. See you when we wake, cupcake. See you next fall, doll. See you at one, honeybun. See you next day, sex-ay.

see you later MAYBE? XD Are you trying to help OP or trying to make him get into another fight with his gf?

MzZombicidal 36

Am I the only one that noticed "sexualpopcorn"?

lummiiss 3

Well just explain to her is a figure of speech. Hope everything works out