Old-timey expressions

By sexualpopcorn - This FML is from back in 2014 but it's good stuff - United States - San Diego

Today, as I was saying bye to my girlfriend, I said, "See ya later, alligator." She took offense because she thought I was calling her ugly. FML
I agree, your life sucks 35 389
You deserved it 4 487

Top comments

DrMario_ 16

Next time go for something like "Goodbye, butterfly" or maybe something less cheesy :P

Your girlfriend has probably never heard that phrase before if she took offense from it. Tell her that you weren't trying to call her ugly and a lot of people say that to each other (Y'know because it rhymes).


ADBurns 22

Wow... Sensitive so and so isn't she ... Signs of High Maintenance GF me thinks. Start planning your "Exit Strategy"...

We really have some stupid people in this world

HighasaCloud 46

These are the beautiful hints in life that let you know someone is not right for you. I wouldn't call this an FYL; be glad you are learning these things

jademitch 20

In a while crocodile! Perhaps tell her what it is, rather than her getting offended from a lack of knowledge

That sucks OP, hope she didn't hold a grudge.

Some people just have bad hearing compared to others, she probably won't be hung up about it.

Either way OP, hope you guys are still together, good luck to you two.

I see you like popcorn. ;) Its a shame about your gf tbh. Hope she gets it when you explain.

0262944 15

After while crocodile…my grandma would say that to me

In Russian speaking countries crocodile is a metaphor for ugly face. Is she Russian?