Old-timey expressions

By sexualpopcorn - This FML is from back in 2014 but it's good stuff - United States - San Diego

Today, as I was saying bye to my girlfriend, I said, "See ya later, alligator." She took offense because she thought I was calling her ugly. FML
I agree, your life sucks 35 389
You deserved it 4 487

Top comments

DrMario_ 16

Next time go for something like "Goodbye, butterfly" or maybe something less cheesy :P

Your girlfriend has probably never heard that phrase before if she took offense from it. Tell her that you weren't trying to call her ugly and a lot of people say that to each other (Y'know because it rhymes).


I don't understand why that was a phrase you wanted to say to your girlfriend in the first place

ljkanon 6

serves you right. You dated an insecure basterisksh

Play her Bill Haley & His Comets - See You Later Alligator on youtube. It was originally recorded December 12, 1955. It was a popular saying for a decade or so thereafter. If she has a deep seated problem with her looks, it has been my experience that she is pretty, beautiful, gorgeous until your lips fall off... and she won't believe you. All you can do is love them as much as you can and make them feel good about themselves. If she continues to get upset over small things, then it may be time to move on.

your girlfriend doesn't happen to be mongolian does she?

She's always been a little sensitive about her tail.