Old-timey expressions

By sexualpopcorn - This FML is from back in 2014 but it's good stuff - United States - San Diego

Today, as I was saying bye to my girlfriend, I said, "See ya later, alligator." She took offense because she thought I was calling her ugly. FML
I agree, your life sucks 35 389
You deserved it 4 487

Top comments

DrMario_ 16

Next time go for something like "Goodbye, butterfly" or maybe something less cheesy :P

Your girlfriend has probably never heard that phrase before if she took offense from it. Tell her that you weren't trying to call her ugly and a lot of people say that to each other (Y'know because it rhymes).


DrMario_ 16

Next time go for something like "Goodbye, butterfly" or maybe something less cheesy :P

And then she gets mad because she thinks he's referring to the butterfly in that one Spongebob episode. *shiver*

DrMario_ 16

I was regarding the "Goodbye, butterfly" as the one that's cheesy. I wasn't comparing the apparent cheesiness of the two phrases.

incoherentrmblr 21

"What's new Pussycat? Whoa whoa whoa whoa whoa..." - Tom Jones

DrMario_ 16

...and your name is duly justified.

too much cheese, I'm not even lactose intolerant.

Your girlfriend has probably never heard that phrase before if she took offense from it. Tell her that you weren't trying to call her ugly and a lot of people say that to each other (Y'know because it rhymes).

Apologise and say that she is mysterious and amazing like a whale. She'll love you for it.

you called her a gator?! oh man, may as well have just called her a crocodile

I happen to actually find alligators very attractive I thought it was a normal thing..?

Maybe it's normal for someone who habitually dresses in banana costumes xD

Hey, banana costumes do have plenty of a-peel.

57 was waiting for a ripe moment for that pun

#75 That was a bad joke, but we'll let it slide

Tell her she's the most beautiful alligator in the world.

Not just any alligator, a SEXY alligator!

"Today, I've learnt that my boyfriend is apparently attracted to alligators. FML"

those scales baby.... they do it for me

...reminds me of that F·R·I·E·N·D·S episode where Monica thinks Chandler is attracted to sharks lol

I understand your pain. From my limited experience she is probably just insecure and wants you to compliment her more often on her looks. You should tell her how beautiful she is more often... but that's just my two cents

Granted yours is the more likely explanation, but perhaps she'd never heard of the expression before? The chances of that would be especially high if English isn't her first language. I mean, alligators aren't exactly the cutest animal ever (though I do find them cool!)... imagine if your bf called you a type of animal you found ugly. Like "good bye cow" or "cockroach" or "sea lion." Even a reasonably secure person might take offense :P

Just tell her it is just another saying for good-bye and that you didn't mean on her taking it as a insult.

well she has a point Op...this time atleast ;)

BloodDiamond96 11

How does she have a point? People just get offended over nothing for no reason. If she misunderstood, she could have asked him to explain it to her atleast