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On the case

By Pixel - This FML is from back in 2014 but it's good stuff - Canada - Castlegar

Today, I was supposed to go in for a polygraph test as part of the hiring process to be a cop, but I was so nervous that I couldn't sleep. Finally two hours before the exam, I fell into a deep sleep, so deep that I slept through all my alarms. Worst part: I couldn't lie about sleeping in. FML
I agree, your life sucks 37 749
You deserved it 5 650

Same thing different taste

Top comments

Everyone gets nervous, I'm sure you could explain that you were nervous and you didn't sleep well.

Explain to them the situation. Ace the polygraph and go be a civil servant my friend. Kind of sucks, hope things work out op.


Everyone gets nervous, I'm sure you could explain that you were nervous and you didn't sleep well.

unless your test giver is your current wife.

Then they'd know he's telling the truth.. On top of that, whether or not they were his current wife, they'd know he's telling the truth since they're administering a polygraph test.

@8 I didn't read anywhere in the FML about his wife being involved at all, or that he even had a wife. That comment was completely random.

@17, 8 was replying to 6's comment, so not really random at all.

@22 Ok, so both their comments are completely random.

@23 only #6 was random. #8 was relevant in that he was responding to someone.

Explain to them the situation. Ace the polygraph and go be a civil servant my friend. Kind of sucks, hope things work out op.

I hate it when that happens. At times like those is when sleeping pills come in handy.

Until you sleep through all your alarms and miss your poly....

I'm sure if you just explain it they'll understand. This has probably happened a lot, but it still sucks

WooHooBar 10

YDI For that horrid spelling of supposed!

Oo a fellow British Columbian, and that totally sucks they should understand since sleep is godly ^_^

BubbleGrunge 18

It wasn't a lie, though; you did sleep in and right through your alarm.

Sleeping in out of anxiety is pretty understandable. It's not like you were high and couldn't lie about it.