One day this will all be yours

By diapermommy - This FML is from back in 2009 but it's good stuff - United States

Today, my 5-year-old daughter saw a pad commercial. She asked me what they were, but I didn't think she was old enough to hear it. I just told her that they're like diapers for mommies. Now she won't stop telling people that mommy wears diapers. FML
I agree, your life sucks 17 157
You deserved it 47 177

Top comments

That is why you don't dumb things down for kids, it will always come back to bite you in the butt. You should have told her it was a grown up woman thing she will learn about later.

loveurlifeJK 5

That's why you cut the bullshit when it comes to kids. Just tell them the truth, the whole truth, and nothing but the truth.


she wouldn't say that if you just wore tampons

well I learned about it when I was somewhere between eight and ten, and not because I asked my mom and she did not tell me. It was because I never saw them in the house or watched tv much to see a commercial (I was very active for a small child) but I'm sure if I wanted to know about it when I was littler my mom would have told me not in full detail probably just something like it's something that happens to girl when their older. :)

JBsGirlee 7

My friend told me that when she was little her mom said they were bandaids which actually makes a lot of sense to me I mean they are for blood

fallingstarsxox 8

Lol my mon told me what a period was when I was 5 well 6 but oh well

jennt89 10

In hindsight, it could've been explained in a different way but if i had suddenly been asked that question i probably would've given the same answer on the spur of the moment, so FYL

We went to SAMs club once and my dad told me not to bye smelly shampooo. My 5 year old brother started picking stuff up and saying it didn't smell and he eventually picked up tampons and smell them O_o

If my daughter asks something like that I tell her the truth, my parents did. Otherwise you end up as a "liar" and your kids are way too sheltered. Be honest with them. I knew a kid when I was young that was that sheltered... She had major issues as an adult. I feel bad for sheltered kids. They don't learn what life is really about.

This is the same explanation my mum used on me when I found pads in our bathroom. xD

You should have told her that she is not old enough and she will know what it is later on in life.