One last thing…

By Aerostar - 16/06/2009 04:35 - United States

Today, we had our divorce hearing and now it is final. As we were leaving the courthouse, I told my ex-wife how happy I was that we were finally free from each other. Then my junky old van wouldn't start and I had to beg her for a ride home. FML
I agree, your life sucks 16 201
You deserved it 69 552

Same thing different taste

Top comments

I remember moderating it and I almost clicked NO because I think YDI

...or you couldve called a friend to pick you up, thus avoiding the humiliation of having to beg your ex wife for a ride home. YDI!


mattmalin11 0

Today, after my divorce was finalised, my ex-husband made some smart-ass remark about being rid of me. Then his car broke down and he begged me for a ride. On the car ride home, he offered to bang me in "reparition" for my troubles. FML

Hey #6. Your bff karma failed to Deliver on the mugger who stole that one guys bike

Dont be mean and expect them to be nice u retard

_itsmeeex1bitchz 0

Yeah, how mature to rub it in her face that you are finally divorced. Your probably why yall divorced in the first place. I would have LAUGHED MY ASS OFF if that happened to my ex-hubby.

_itsmeeex1bitchz 0

& #50, "jaja" means "haha" in spanish..

How does it feel to get anally raped without lube by karma?

LuckyGuy159 0

Be more careful choosing your partner, divorces arent good and then saying your free thats stupid, must have hurt your feelings, then why ask her im sure someone else would of.