One last thing…

By Aerostar - 16/06/2009 04:35 - United States

Today, we had our divorce hearing and now it is final. As we were leaving the courthouse, I told my ex-wife how happy I was that we were finally free from each other. Then my junky old van wouldn't start and I had to beg her for a ride home. FML
I agree, your life sucks 16 201
You deserved it 69 552

Same thing different taste

Top comments

I remember moderating it and I almost clicked NO because I think YDI

...or you couldve called a friend to pick you up, thus avoiding the humiliation of having to beg your ex wife for a ride home. YDI!


legalizexweed 0

you definitaly should have taken a cab you obviously have no dignity

i agree with #64. it also seems to me like you're not the brightest tool in the shed either, for not thinking of any of the other alternatives people have posted on here.

Maybe she was also happy about being separated, certain marriages can be unpleasant for both parties.

Hahaha I find it funny how he posts this on FML after his divorce and gets a hundred hate filled flames. Well, at least OP doesn't have any pride to lose. Hope you get your car fixed soon.

jem1991 0

i would've walked or taken a taxi or called AAA. i'm proud like that.

Maybe the bitch WAS a bitch to him, how do we know? I call FYL

lady_gogo 0

what can I say.. life sucks and so are you... kidding!

kellster 2

Possibly you could have chosen not to be an asshole about the whole thing. YDI.