One last thing…

By Aerostar - 16/06/2009 04:35 - United States

Today, we had our divorce hearing and now it is final. As we were leaving the courthouse, I told my ex-wife how happy I was that we were finally free from each other. Then my junky old van wouldn't start and I had to beg her for a ride home. FML
I agree, your life sucks 16 201
You deserved it 69 552

Same thing different taste

Top comments

I remember moderating it and I almost clicked NO because I think YDI

...or you couldve called a friend to pick you up, thus avoiding the humiliation of having to beg your ex wife for a ride home. YDI!


YDI, because you are obviously the reason why there was a divorce in the first place.

yeah gotta say I'm with 12 on this one, FYL

Old Vans are the sweetest rides!!! Gotten so much tail in mine, but i bought a new car '...(

You idiot. Does nobody understand the wedding vows? You know, I always thought they were entailing a covenant with God (hopefully), not just "advanced dating." Once you say "I do", you're in it together, as one. You don't get to be two seperate parties anymore. Marriage is for ever and for always, from that day forth into whatever may lie in the shadowy fog covering the future.

YDI for even asking her for a ride, especially after saying something like that to her (which was basically just trying to one-up yourself and get the last word). You should have pretended nothing was wrong, stuck around for a bit until she left and then called a cab, spare yourself the humilation..

meli5_fml 0

FYL!!! that sounds like Something that would happen to me :(