One-upmanship championship

By Jan - 18/10/2013 06:13 - United States

Today, my mother topped someone's story of their child's problems by saying I'm on drugs. This resulted in people showing up to stage an intervention for me. She made the whole thing up and I've never used drugs, but no one believes me. FML
I agree, your life sucks 48 771
You deserved it 2 997

Same thing different taste

Top comments

It sucks OP but let them test you and let's see who will laugh last. Anyway, looks like your mother has got some serious attention seeking issues...


Do you really care what others think? If you do then you should probably get tested like most other people say that way you can prove it to them.

RedPillSucks 31
SuperMew 22

As bad as what Op's bitch mom did, it is nice that people would get together to help Op with her drug addiction. Not everyone has friends and family who wants to help them overcome their issues. That is something to be thankful for, seeing people who care about you actually try to help you out. However, Op does need to get a drug test, medical report, and whatever else she can do to prove she is not on drugs. Then call everyone to have a meeting to talk about the addiction, show them the papers and tell them that the mother lied the whole time.

TallMist 32

#56 Look at the OP's gender again. It clearly says he's male.

Get tested show your clean and make sure everyone knows your mother is a lying attention *****

The first stage is denial, so maybe that's why nobody believes you. FYL

Grauncho 27

Me thinks your mother is the one in need of a intervention.

OP's Mom would be a classless bitch because...

perdix 29

Maybe you ought to START taking drugs, then. I mean, you can't let all those people think they can break you with one little intervention. If your mom's stories are going to be interesting, you'll have to be a hardcore stoner/junkie.

Gothicbunnyx3 16

I hate when parents do that, not just lie for their own ego rise but the fact that they're ruining shit with their kids.

What the hell is wrong with your mother? Seriously, how do people let parents get away with things like this? You should confront her, maybe even in front of all those people that showed up for you. If she still has the nerve to insist you are on drugs to your face, you can at least take pleasure in the fact that you are more mature and honest than your mother.

What an attention *****. I'm sorry, OP. I'd try to get her to come out with the truth if you can, but she sounds like she lies a lot for attention.

Seekin attention mom? Or someone denyin the truth either way we see the story one side.... But if u r nt using drugs how abt u go get tested and prove everyone wrong

SuperMew 22

You wrote out everyone but not aren't?

typo mistake my bad was on the phone and touch screen tricky