
By leaannec30 - 10/07/2016 18:52 - Canada - Hamilton

Today, I thought my car was overheating. I then thought it was wise to put my hand close to my muffler to feel the heat. Needless to say, I stuck my entire hand on my muffler then had to drive around with the only cold thing in my car. A cold beer from my cooler. Yes, I got pulled over. FML
I agree, your life sucks 6 762
You deserved it 11 956

Same thing different taste

Top comments

You put your hand near the muffler to feel if the engine was overheating? Wat?

As long as the beer wasn't open and you had no alcohol in your system there shouldn't have been any issues! You could fight any kind of ticket/punishment the cop may have been shitty enough to give out, especially if you have burns on your hand


Why didn't you just stick your mouth on it instead? Honestly, what did you expect? Were you already drunk, OP?

why would you put your hand by the muffler? that is not where you check to see if your car is over heating..

Nah, even rednecks are smarter than that.

You might be a city slicker if............

Couldnt you have just checked the gauge on the dashboard to see if your car was overheating? And i dont think you know what a muffler is

Really? The muffler? I am a girl and I know better than to do that... I bet you don't know if you are in a car, the arrow next to the fuel gauge shows you which side your gas tank is on

honey you're supposed to check the radiator. not the muffler Lol

if you just held the bottle upside down it wouldn't look like you where drinking it. Just an idea

most people learn the don't touch the super hot stuff much earlier in life

just the fact that you stuck your whole hand on your muffler you must have already been drunk before putting that beer in you hand

You thought you could tell if the car was overheating by "feeling" the heat from the muffler? Does your car have a temp gauge? I have seen it in every single car that I sat in, the odometer and the fuel gauges might not have worked but the temp gauge worked in every single one of them. I do not want to bring up the "women drivers" jokes, but I think you had enough beers before you got to this situation.