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By sweetdreams - 18/09/2016 06:39 - United States - New York

Today, I woke up suddenly with giant bugs biting my legs. I screamed, ripped the blanket off the bed and bolted to the bathroom to recover. Turns out it was all a dream, and the person who needed to recover most was my shell-shocked boyfriend who had been sleeping soundly beside me. Sorry, babe. FML
I agree, your life sucks 11 784
You deserved it 1 411

Same thing different taste

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Something similar happened to me except I, being half asleep and half dreaming still, punched my boyfriend in the face but couldnt stop myself. Its pretty funny when I think of it now but I felt bad lol.

What were you on? Just so I know what to avoid.


Something similar happened to me except I, being half asleep and half dreaming still, punched my boyfriend in the face but couldnt stop myself. Its pretty funny when I think of it now but I felt bad lol.

One time I bit my fiancé on the back because of a bad dream. It happens.

What were you on? Just so I know what to avoid.

Dreams like this a actually quite common and the brains way of working out some subconscious issues. As for not realising you were dreaming at first is also pretty common at least for me it is

Giant bugs? Yea, theres no way you deserved this, id do the same if i saw those things, dreaming or awake.

That's kind of adorable. I've kicked my manthing onto the floor whilst dreaming before. They make for cute stories. lol.

I've done similar. Woke my husband up because I couldn't feel my arm. Woke him up crying another night because I thought he'd rolled onto our then newborn (now 3yo). Turned out she was still in her cot sound asleep.

Woah, I've all but forgotten about the nightmares I've had with both our newborns during the nights, waking up out of nowhere, panicking they might be dead, when really they were perfectly fine. As if you aren't awake often enough as it is when they are hungry. Those hormones can sure do a number on you. *shudders*

I had a dream kinda like that once, when I was a kid. Dreamt I was covered in millions of little spiders and woke up bawling because I was terrified of spiders. It was awful.

I have night terrors from PTSD. My ex had broke up with me cause I would wake him up at night

I have those dreams sometimes. Usually about a spider or snake. I always jump out of bed to turn on my light, then strip my bed to double check that it was just a dream.