Paperback Writer

By AmatureLitCritic - 14/05/2012 07:37 - United States - Portland

Today, I found out that a family member found a publisher for his book; his badly written, terribly sourced, historically inaccurate book that insults and misrepresents most world cultures and religions. If this actually makes it to print, I'll never be able to use my maiden name again. FML
I agree, your life sucks 25 320
You deserved it 2 376

Same thing different taste

Top comments

Faster than the speed of love by Brian Griffin


If it gets published, then I call for a classic book burning.

Or just change it to a very ridiculous name, that won't trace OP back to that book. I suggest Trash Boat

addysonnn 8

18 - Baha. The Regular Show.

French_Toast_fml 3

If it's that horribly inaccurate, wouldn't it be fiction?

Idk why the name O'brien popped into my head with this one......

littlemsweirdo 12

Anyone else extremely interested in knowing the title of the book? :)

nofearjenshere 12
RedPillSucks 31

Don't sweat it too much, OP. Getting published and getting purchased are two different things. Also, unless you have a really unique last name, just tell people you're not related to that jerk.

mandadarling 10

I hope that future literary students never have to read some of the trash that came out of this last decade..

Blaqkeyeliner 6

No kidding here, we already are. Part of the reason why I'm transferring to a different university with a better course actually... They made us suffer through "One Day". Before that it was "The Da Vinci Code". *shudder*

A novel by definition is fictional. The term "Fiction novel" is redundant.