Paperback Writer

By AmatureLitCritic - 14/05/2012 07:37 - United States - Portland

Today, I found out that a family member found a publisher for his book; his badly written, terribly sourced, historically inaccurate book that insults and misrepresents most world cultures and religions. If this actually makes it to print, I'll never be able to use my maiden name again. FML
I agree, your life sucks 25 322
You deserved it 2 378

Same thing different taste

Top comments

Faster than the speed of love by Brian Griffin


I feel you. My last name is Meyer. Hopefully the book doesn't become popular due to its horribleness.

You shouldn't need to use your maiden name anyways

Sounds like the OP is jealous. OP must have been told "No Thank You" more than a few time when trying to get their own book published.

Yeah, OP is jealous about a book being published that insults every culture and religion. That shame in having the same last name is just his jealously getting the best of him./sarcasm

We are not our relatives. Sorry for saying so but it seems like your over-reaction is fueled in part by jealousy. No one ever asks me if I'm related to the famous author who shares my maiden name. Surnames are fairly common for the most part. Anyway, the book will likely be changed quite a bit in editing before it's published. Even if it's still terrible, it may not be as bad as you think. There's always a market for shit.

Jealousy? Your logic is nearly as preposterous as Stephanie Meyer's parents being proud of her work.

skyeyez9 24

Michelle Obama, is that you?

What do the Obamas have to do with this FML?

perdix 29

Don't worry, no one reads books. It's not 50 Shades of Grey, so no one is going to give a shit about it. If your relative wrote inaccurate fantasy ****, you'd have problems;)

Oh god, 50 Shades. The only book series where "published fanfiction" is an accurate description as well as an insult. It was originally a Human Alternate Universe Twilight fic with some very bad BDSM. And Tyler's Van of Doom (the one that nearly killed Bella) has been replaced by a bicycle. I know that people are killed by being hit by pedalbikes, but... it's like Spielberg read that more people are killed by watering their Christmas trees with the lights plugged in annually than killed or injured by sharks, and made that the main point of Jaws.

If it contained what you described, only an idiot publisher would publish it. I wouldn't worry too much about it. Change your name perhaps?

HL Menkin once said "Nobody ever went broke underestimating the intelligence of the American public." You'd probably be astonished at how many publishers make money printing nonsense marketed to narrow minded, under-informed people who want to read books by people whose opinions closely mirror and reinforce their own personal viewpoints. One of my favorites is the book Do It Yourself Brain Surgery. It's an actual book I just finished reading. There is actually an annual contest sponsored by the publishing industry that rewards the the authors and publishers of serious works of dubious scholarship that somehow make it to past the editing process and onto bookshelves.

would your last name be Kardashian by chance?

KiddNYC1O 20

We know it's not Kourtney. She's kind of clueless.

cryssycakesx3 22

out of all of them, you pick kourtney? sure. they play dumb for TV, but not one of those girls are anywhere near stupid.

If these dolts are getting published, it kinda gives me some hope... Although, to reference another comment, I'm not quite literate enough in Ancient Stupid.

Who publishes that guy's crap? Better yet, who drinks his kook-aid???