Paperback Writer

By AmatureLitCritic - 14/05/2012 07:37 - United States - Portland

Today, I found out that a family member found a publisher for his book; his badly written, terribly sourced, historically inaccurate book that insults and misrepresents most world cultures and religions. If this actually makes it to print, I'll never be able to use my maiden name again. FML
I agree, your life sucks 25 320
You deserved it 2 376

Same thing different taste

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Faster than the speed of love by Brian Griffin


geod69 8

If he's in any way paying money for this, he hasn't found a publisher; his "publisher" has found another easy mark. In that case I wouldn't worry too much about your name; most vanity publishers specialize in selling overpriced editions to friends-and-relations, and the chances of it seeing the inside of a bookstore are nil. If it is a real publisher, my sympathies. See if you can't convince your relative that all the _cool_ authors use pen names. ;)

That should be a semi-colon between "his book" and "his badly written". If ur gunna troll sumwonz riting then eorz beter be perphekt.

Sounds a lot like Mein Kampf. I would change my surname anyway if it was Hitler.

So in other words it tells the truth?

I think insulting a culture and misrepresenting is is not telling the truth.

I never condone stealing/destroying, but if it would save the world from a catastrophe such as this, so be it.

I feel you, OP. My dad's done the exact same thing.