Paperback Writer

By AmatureLitCritic - 14/05/2012 07:37 - United States - Portland

Today, I found out that a family member found a publisher for his book; his badly written, terribly sourced, historically inaccurate book that insults and misrepresents most world cultures and religions. If this actually makes it to print, I'll never be able to use my maiden name again. FML
I agree, your life sucks 25 320
You deserved it 2 376

Same thing different taste

Top comments

Faster than the speed of love by Brian Griffin


Litarius 8

Well it could be terrible for you OP, but I won't judge it until I actually read it. This can be a big break for him.

Is Michele Bachmann in the publishing business now?

Clearly you're related to Glenn beck :)

sandinthewaves 5

If its your maiden name you shouldn't have to worry about it

At least it's not Twilight. Seriously though, what is the book about? It's hard to call this one with a lack of information on the book.

So this is what it's like being related to David Icke.

AJRand 14

Well, apparently someone thought his book was good.Anywat, plenty of stories twist things that happened to make for a more interesting read.

It's probably one of those self-publishers, if that makes you feel any better. Probably like 5 people will read it. Cheer up!

Was it American publishing? My mum was published with that shitty company. They drained her bank account, because she had to pay for and sell her own books.