By Anonymous - 25/04/2009 23:50 - Brazil

Today, I had a going-away party because I am leaving the country forever. Out of the 130 people invited, 60 were a resounding, "Yes! Of course I will come!" After paying $300 for everything needed at the party, two ended up coming. And left because nobody else was there. FML
I agree, your life sucks 91 150
You deserved it 5 756

Same thing different taste

Top comments

BigGuy99 0

From experience, never throw yourself a going away party and expect folks to come. Just tell folks you are leaving and if someone wants to organize something they will and invite people over and set it up. I have heard of several friends inviting over a hundred people to these things, just to see only about 0-15 show up to send their good byes.

I feel really bad for you, safe travels.


Thats so fake, Your not leaving FOREVER. and then why would no one come, and they wouldn't just leave.

Sounds like you used facebook, since that's one of the default responses. Chances are they do what I use to and my friends still do, just say "Yes" to every invitation and decide later which one you'll go to. Kinda ****** up they did it since it was a going away party, we only did for club and weekly house parties. Shouldn't use facebook for the important events though.

I've been in a similiar situation when I moved cross country. No party was thrown but I spent my remaining hours with my closest friends. I'm curious as to why you are leaving the country forever?

That sucks a lot man, I hope where you travel too people are nicer.

That sucks a lot man, I hope that wherever you travel too people are nicer

Midgetron 0

damn dude, bad friends and bad people.

missus_butter 0

My mom sent out the invites for my 8th birthday the day before the party was to happen, because my mom fails at everything she tries to do. Only one kid showed up. I sympathize with you.

I assume you did that event on Facebook? Because for Facebook events, Maybe = No, and Yes = No.