By Anonymous - 25/04/2009 23:50 - Brazil

Today, I had a going-away party because I am leaving the country forever. Out of the 130 people invited, 60 were a resounding, "Yes! Of course I will come!" After paying $300 for everything needed at the party, two ended up coming. And left because nobody else was there. FML
I agree, your life sucks 91 150
You deserved it 5 756

Same thing different taste

Top comments

BigGuy99 0

From experience, never throw yourself a going away party and expect folks to come. Just tell folks you are leaving and if someone wants to organize something they will and invite people over and set it up. I have heard of several friends inviting over a hundred people to these things, just to see only about 0-15 show up to send their good byes.

I feel really bad for you, safe travels.


That sucks. But just think...They showed you their true colors, and now you don't have to feel guilty or miss them. In a way they just made things more simple...I say **** 'em, and find better friends in the new country you're moving to. It might not be a bad idea to keep in touch with the two that showed up; although they should've stuck around for a bit in a time like that. Just as an example...I moved to a new state 1500 miles away at the end of '07, and in the course of a year (along with a couple visits back) I learned a LOT about who my true friends were and who weren't. If I were to vacation or move back to where I'm from, I'll know exactly who I should get in touch with and who I should not bother with, just like you will if you decide to visit your home country at some time.

FAKE!! I can't pinpoint the source atm, but I know that someone wrote an article in a magazine about Facebook and social networking. They invited ALL their Facebook friends to a party at a bar, and only two ended up showing up. So YDI for making this shit up.

Why is everything always about the army? I had a going away party three months ago because I MOVED to another country.

I hope you find better friends in your new country.

a) what country are you from b) why are you leaving forever? if its the US, good. i dont want your type here. We're the best country in the world any if you dont think so, STFU and GTFO.

uhhh, wasnt the fact that you were throwing your own going away party kind of a heads up that not that many people are going to show up at all? And yes, your life is f****d

I threw my own going away party, too, and had tons of friends showing up. A going away party isn't only about your friends letting you go, but also about you saying goodbye to them. You're the one who usually loses most by moving away. Because your friends still have eachother, but you have to start over completely, without knowing anyone. So, of course you throw it.

Gotz_No_Love 1

all of them are dicks, even the two that came. i hope someone notices what i just said. that was actually really mean of them to leave. they should've stayed.

mehwhateverr 0

this seems a big unlikely. 58 people just decide to rsvp then not show up? but if it's true, fyl.

blah_whatever123 0

that's jst sad this is one true "fml"