
By rockefoe - This FML is from back in 2010 but it's good stuff - United States

Today, I was studying late and kept hearing weird screeching sounds from outside. I couldn't figure out what it was and started getting really freaked out. It wasn't until later that I realized it was just my nose whistling. FML
I agree, your life sucks 11 961
You deserved it 33 791

Same thing different taste

Top comments

lol, happens to me sometimes xD Except I figure it out rather quickly, when it starts to follow me around xD


hghiPigh 0
ughblahsuckit 0

That's weird and gross. hah. and you sound stupid. how didn't you realize it was your nose? grrrreeat job.

AHAHA. No word of a lie. This just happened to me the other night too! aha I got scared too. XP

cheergirly16 0

How is this an fml

TheWhiteSpectre 0

Sounds like the perfect idea for a blonde joke......

You are a stupid clueless mother Fcuker!

soccerdilan 0

im calling a bluff on this one. unless you're not smart enough to realize that the noise and your breathing is in sync

Most people breathe automatically and don't pay any attention to it whatsoever. You wouldn't notice if something was in sync with your breathing. This happened to me once, only it just took me a couple mintues to figure it out. :S xD

gnetgirl26 0

this really isn't a fml it's more like a mlia