
By Anonymous - 18/07/2013 18:16 - Canada - Kelowna

Today, I woke up after passing out at a very small house party. I'd set a three drink limit, but apparently nobody listened, because there were beer cans everywhere, half my stuff was on the floor, and someone had shat in my bathtub. I had to clean all of it up alone. FML
I agree, your life sucks 23 128
You deserved it 46 984

Same thing different taste

Top comments

kathii01 20

I doubt you passed out from only 3 beers yourself. Seems like you didn't listen to your own rule.

MissWhitneyB 17

Did you follow your own drink limit? No. So why would anyone else listen if you dont follow your own rules?


Aww did you have to clean up after yourself?

Never party at your house! NEVER! Its just common sense

YES!!! Exactly what I was thinking. Op didn't you learn anything from going to house parties when you were in high school? The house gets trashed pretty much all of the time. Sorry bout the SHIT (So Disrespectful) but yeah YDI

graceinsheepwear 33

Way more than I wanted to know.

caitiebug1119 15

Have you never seen ANY cliche episode of a sitcom where someone throws a "small party"? For Pete's sake, they had a non alcoholic episode of this on Phineas and Ferb! Spongebob had one too! What the heck did you think would happen?

You totally deserve it for setting a drink limit at a party.

Whenever I have hosted a party, I make sure that I fall asleep after everyone is gone. Even completely smashed. So how do you pass out with people still in your house? Kick them out before you fall asleep! Maybe just don't have people over anymore.

Lessons learned: Follow your own freakin' rules. Get less gross friends.

don't you know you can't. inforce. rules at a house. party. it never works. but I got to. admit that. ********. in the bathtub has. gone. a little to far. how rude they. could of steady cleaned. it up

Wow! That is hard to read. Am I the only one pausing at every period?

um..whos going to obey tht rule not even you sucks tht u had to clean up yourself though:(

NorwegianViking 8

WHY WOULD HAVE A DRINKING LIMIT?! Didn't you know that people love breaking rules?