Party animal

By Laci - 30/04/2011 17:50 - United States

Today, I was stuck crouching over the toilet after a night of drinking. My fiancé walked in, gathered my hair, and held it out of the way. When another wave of nausea hit me and I leaned in, he shoved my face into the bowl and ran out, laughing and yelling, "That'll teach ya!" FML
I agree, your life sucks 36 937
You deserved it 23 220

Same thing different taste


n1c0l3t 0

true love. now can I ask if your still together? haha jk next time he makes a rude comment kick him in the balls and say "that'll teach ya"

I think you started your story wrong. I think you meant to say X- fiancée !!! fyl

mrkite64 0
tcrunit 0

your boyfriends a dick head

a_nutritionist 10

"i constantly make this error, so my phone has learnt to accommodate my stupidity" is not an argument that helps support your case...

Felicci 0

YDI just like any other that gets wasted

Petunia888 13

First thought: LMAO! Your man is hilarious! Second thought: hopefully, you'll remember that every time you decide to drink.

He's an ass, but a damned hilarious ass.