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Party pooper

By thanksforthat - 10/01/2013 23:11 - United States - Tunkhannock

Today, I went to the hospital with stomach pains. I found out I have mono, as well as a ruptured ovarian cyst, which may need surgery. I called my best friend for support, only for her to drunkenly yell at me for not being at her party, and that this could have waited till a better time. FML
I agree, your life sucks 34 341
You deserved it 3 874

Same thing different taste

Top comments

How dare you be so rude as to let your ovary rupture on the night your friend has a party! Besides aren't shots of Bacardi the ultimate mono cure!?

You need better friends, OP. So sorry, that's gotta be rough. :/


Just a reminder OP, that might be rude, but you can't expect anything from a person who has her ass drunk.

Wait. let me get this straight, Everyones saying this chick needs better friends or get sweet revenge on her friend, even though she said here friend "drunkenly" yelled at her. Tons of people have no clue what they do when drunk. All this is, is a case of bad timing on both parties involved.

CharresBarkrey 15

If you have no clue what you do when you're drunk, you have a problem, and need help.

Caruci 7

Wow, it's time for new friends

I dont expect sanity when talking to drunks

a_lenzmeier 11

Yes, because I'm sure you have never been rude or mean unintentionally whilst intoxicated. She absolutely did it on purpose. She was drunk. Don't let it get to you.

Been there before (except my 'mono' turned out to be Lupus, and the ruptured ovarian cyst didn't exist, they did the surgery and found endometriosis instead. Yay!) I'm recovering from a second surgery to remove an actual cyst, and it's not so bad. Sucks that your friend is being a drunk asshat, but they usually do the surgery laparoscopically, which means a small hole under your navel and another around where pubic hair usually starts. The day after my laparoscopic surgery, I was at a concert, stoned out of my mind on codeine, but I was not missing that concert if it meant taking the IV pole with me. And I took the subway home, so hopefully that settles your mind a bit.

ViviMage 39

Mono is very contagious! Head to the party!! That'll make your friend less pigheaded.

Beautiful friend you have. Way to be there for you right when you need her.

With friends like that, who needs I mean enemies.