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Party pooper

By thanksforthat - 10/01/2013 23:11 - United States - Tunkhannock

Today, I went to the hospital with stomach pains. I found out I have mono, as well as a ruptured ovarian cyst, which may need surgery. I called my best friend for support, only for her to drunkenly yell at me for not being at her party, and that this could have waited till a better time. FML
I agree, your life sucks 34 341
You deserved it 3 874

Same thing different taste

Top comments

How dare you be so rude as to let your ovary rupture on the night your friend has a party! Besides aren't shots of Bacardi the ultimate mono cure!?

You need better friends, OP. So sorry, that's gotta be rough. :/


Do I know you? My friend Has the same exact issue.

Maybe she was just joking! I bet that she told everyone the party was canceled and showed up at your hospital bed 15 min later huh. That is, if she really is ur best friend

sgtcxelite 11

The **** do you expect? She was drunk.

Time for a new BFF-been there, done that with the cyst situation-I'm sorry you are going through that!!

With a friend like her who needs enemies???

Send her text and tell her that she's being a shitty ass, selfish friend and that if her party is more important than her "best friend's" health then you're not so sure you want to remain friends. I went through something similar and once I pointed out how hurt I was and how selfish she was being, she apologized and is currently kissing my ass to make up for it.

Satoaoi 13

all the people who voted you deserved it will get ovarian cysts and mono I hope you know that. . cheer up child things will get better

Derpylicious 3

Why are you friends with a selfish bitch?

Queen_of_Night 20

Huh, I was telling my dad how both of those nearly killed me at one point. My cyst didn't burst but I was told if it had the pain would have likely killed me, and if it didn't, the cancer it held would have. Can't imagine what it would have felt like so your certainly have my sympathy. Get better OP.