Passive agressive

By pointlessperson - 06/02/2009 14:28 - Canada

Today, I hung out with a friend who has been too busy to hang out with me in a few months. I decided to make the day super special with fun plans and spent a lot of money doing so. When I got home, her Facebook status said, "Pointless day, gone to bed." FML
I agree, your life sucks 40 816
You deserved it 3 023

Same thing different taste

Top comments

Hey, don't say **** your life. I say **** your friend. What an ingrate.

necomni 0

Even if she had "depression" or whatever, it's no excuse for the friend putting that up on the internet to humiliate her. If she was depressed, she shouldn't dealt with her own problems instead of blurting "my friends are pointless" to the internet. How disrespectful.


mymiles 13

Make sure to thank her on that very same status.. Talk about rude friends :/

Um why would you spend a lot of money to please your loser of a friend?

This actually could be a problem with your friends mental state. I tend to have a bad attitude like that once in a while. If she's anything like me, she'll probably say sorry tomorrow. If she doesn't.. Time to replace her.

Sounds like that person isn't really your friend, maybe she never was. Be careful who you surround yourself with! People who don't make an effort to be with you, being too busy as such, aren't worth your time and/or money

fieraislife 12

Poor op :/ she doesn't deserve youu!

your friend is an ungrateful prick. I'd love to be your friend.