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By caroline - 06/02/2009 15:29 - United States

Today, I was having sex with my boyfriend. When he was about to orgasm, he screamed "Yes Brittany!" at the top of his lungs. My name's not Brittany. That's his sister. FML
I agree, your life sucks 793
You deserved it 55


bobmarkey 0

Who else thinks this is fishy?

MasterModeraor 0

WTF IS UP WITH PEOPLE AND THESE 3 WAY INCESTS!?!? its jsut not right..... well mayb if both of you are blonde twins i can see where it would b hott for him.... but still.... just dont touch ur sissys pussy

153rdTrooper 0

Looks like a case for the new OFF! Incest Repellant.

gorillaz_fml 0

how do the **** does this shit happen

Kr3tS22 0

dude doin it with ur sis is just ewwww

marleytooyou 0

no it wadnt the ops sister it was the ops bfs sister

cjdavey 0
CptGap 0

Maybe he meant Brittney sperms I mean Spears

swhockey02 0

haha how did u come up wit dat 423

Yes because Brittany isn't a common name at all. Your boyfriend's sister is the only Brittany in existance.

Just proves the fact that your sister makes better sandwiches than you, so get back to work you *****!!!

monstermegz 0

Who has sex with their sister, she must be a *****. Hopefully you kicked him in the balls and dumped his a$$.

omg what's up with these stupid *****

brightnite 0

153rd trooper lmfao for that last comment!!!

KarinaLizeth18 5

Brittany Spears?? :/ im sayin anything to make it seem like incest was not the case ewwwww!! D:

tanner11111 0

incest da best put yo sista ta da test bitch

You'r effing retarted, I guess your parents had you out of incest, that's why you talk like that. Poor boy.

469 why does op say "that's his sister" then

LoveCali 0

:OMG!.….….Thats So Effin Messed Up.!:pp

KingGeorgeGal 12

Am I the only one that thinks that Brittany is a common name and could have been cheating on her with someone else .

cuppiecakes14 0

wow he had sex with his own sister that is so disgusting!

sammie91michelle 0
softball1432 0

498-- it's spelled "Britney" if you're gonna make fun of someone, spell their name right..

softball1432 0

498-- it's spelled "Britney". if you're going to make fun of someone at least spell it right!

Caroline is pretty close. I see where he may have messed up

Poor girl. He might not have been thinking about his sister. Could have been another Brittany. Or he could be a sick bastard that's into incest.

Maybe he dosnt know any one else named brittany

cbdee 8

Sure, she said it was his sister, but couldn't that also mean step sister? It's still a little bit creepy but at least it's not incest.

m0tl3ycru3 0

Yea incest is really looked down upon in 49 states (sorry Alabama)

DancinChikk 0

Really though! Y would u do your family???? WTF????

tondog123456789 0

If you can't keep it in your pants, keep it in the family.

fudgnugget 0
mollyholden 0

by the look of greenman's pic, he would know

Billbo23 0

keep it in the family, thats what i say

Melly14398 0

Incest is the best, put your sister to the test! Noooo just kidding! But that is nasty!

HHH1234 3

I agree and wow you're beautiful

greenman, i'm sorry but you look really creepy and incredibly pervy

BrennaJoann 0

oh.. don't know what to say FYL

mollyholden 0

That's a pretty common name- not necessarily talking about his sis.

fudgnugget 0
lindag08 0

greenman is a creepy perv his probably molested a few nieces or nephews or raped someone eeeww

tennispro3 0

incest is best... says the creepy Mexican guy

tennispro3 0
jdeshnerx3 0

you look like you know all about incest!!

People don't bash the guy! he looks shit faced. chill.

Jojo08_fml 0

melly14398 I just have to say your absolutely gorgeous

Ya maybe for you. ****** wierdo. Btw you look like a sexual predator

it_kinda_sucks16 0
daintee 0

Maybe he heard her and was answering to a question.You could've been too into it to hear her,it can happen.

Bodgie 9

Umm #22, you generally don't have conversations with siblings whilst having sex with your girlfriend...

Maybe he dated a girl also named Brittany? Haha.

Shadowninja20 16

or maby he was cheating on the op with a girl named brittany

Link5794 18

That reminds me of another FML

#1020 a lot of things would be better in this case......

It could be Brittney Spears. For all we know, this could of happened while she was still hot.

gracexninjapants 0