Pay no mind

By Jlhfan90 - This FML is from back in 2012 but it's good stuff - United States

Today, I've been a vegan for a year. It's also the day that I met my dad's new best friend, who happens to be a retired butcher. They tried to pull an intervention on me for not "being sensible" by eating meat. FML
I agree, your life sucks 19 194
You deserved it 19 427

Same thing different taste

Top comments

Fruits and vegetables were once living too before consumed.

PleaseStayChill 9

I don't care if it's a meat, vegetable, fruit, or an freaking article of clothing. If it's delicious, I'll eat it. if it's not delicious, put hot sauce on it. Then it's delicious and I'll eat it.


hotcaligirl 10

Out of all of those beliefs (meat-eaters, vegans and vegetarians) I've found that vegans push their life-choices on me and judge me more than anyone. But, after reading these comments, I'm not so sure I can blame them as most of these "meat-eaters" or "omnivores" sound ignorant as ****. It is true- inorganic meat is pumped full of hormones and other shit that causes cancer, lack of nutrients, obesity and many other diseases, but so are vegetables and fruits. It's disgusting what the food market is coming to, but I digress. Being vegan is your life-choice, OP. I'm sorry he put you in an uncomfortable position, there are many positive health benefits to being vegan. I'm actually allergic to soy, so being vegan is not really an option for me. He was probably just trying to show off for his new friend by picking on you.

Just so you know, you don't have to eat soy as a vegan.

I don't see how you didn't know your dads "best friend"

I am sure that I enjoy meat (especially bacon) about as much as the next person commenting on here. but I definitely know what it's like to be pressured to eat things you'd rather not, having been a very picky eater as a kid. Hopefully your dad can come to terms with your decision

l don't think vegan is a good lifestyle, all the vegans l'v meet have been really tired and barely standing up or been in a really poor condition. it dose not seem healty at all

Quiet_one 22

I don't understand why people jump all over vegans just because they're vegan. If you're not trying to preach it to me and it's not making you sick I don't see anything wrong with eating however you want, no matter what your reasons are. Don't let them get to you, OP. Congrats on having the willpower to stick with it!

Humans have teeth that show they should be omnivorous - we have features for eating both meat and vegetable matter. Therefore you are ignoring your dietary needs, which is not being sensible, is it?

As long as you are getting all the vitamins and nutrients you need to be healthy, you should be allowed to eat whatever you want to. I'd say someone who does veganism properly and does their homework before becoming a vegan probably is in better health than at least half of the people preaching about how eating meat (which is fatty, allows the abuse and murder animals, etc) is "sensible", and how avoiding meat and dairy is not. Personally, I don't care if someone eats meat or not. Everyone needs to just mind their own business (as long as your doctor says you are healthy of course).

Puruttya 6

start watching veganism epitome of malnourishment on youtube. you will change your mind.