
By Anonymous - 08/05/2009 14:53 - Canada

Today, while working as a makeup artist in the mall, I was approached by a man who wanted to try lipstick, which isn't unusual we do a lot of drag. While I was applying it, he started to make gross noises and, after a quick glance, I realized he had a massive erection. He then whispered, "Mmmm don't stop now." FML
I agree, your life sucks 82 751
You deserved it 4 545

Same thing different taste

Top comments

penguinz 0
maedoc 0

well did you finish him off at least?


LuxLisbon_fml 0

There's nothing wrong with him having that particular 'preference' - loads of guys get off on dressing effeminately, and they're not all gay or drag queens - but that's pretty inappropriate, and embarrassing for you. Sounds like you dealt with it well though. Similarly, I've heard clothes store assistants talking about guys trying on dresses and being visibly excited...

pooooooooooop 0

you should be flattered that he thinks you give good lipstick


LuxLisbon_fml 0

This all happened within the two seconds that it takes to apply lipstick?

that is the sickest thing I've ever heard =| Poor you I can just imagine your face! lol!

You should have stabbed him in the throat. Rid the gene pool of a disgusting subhuman.