
By Thithien1 - 01/04/2009 06:07 - Korea Republic of

Today, I was on a crowded subway going home. My trousers were a bit dusty so I tried to dust myself off. As I was slapping the side of my leg I missed and hit a woman behind me in the ass. She called me a pervert and walked off. Everyone stared at me. It takes 40 minutes to get home. FML
I agree, your life sucks 53 909
You deserved it 12 672

Same thing different taste

Top comments

Haha, you should've acted like you knew her. Been like "But, Mary, you always used to let me touch your ass!!"

but then if that makes you a pervert, does it make me a **** for letting shit like that pass when i used to take the bus? hahaha. c'mon, lady, it's public transportation! you're in for a long ride, everything's an accident. don't make such a big deal out of it.


People take things way to serious these days, if one was to slap my ass I would take it as a compliment.

i really that happened because the train was turning or stopping short or something... because if not, you are a perv... or a spaz lol

#11, that's sad. Being sexually objectified is not a compliment. You are better than that. Get some self respect. People take it seriously because it is serious.

See it the opposite way, if someone had written in saying someone hit their ass on a train, they felt like being a bitch only to find out they were wrong, they'd be YDI'd to hell and back. Don't sweat it.

I would say try to explain and appologize but i guess you tried and she didn't listen being a woman and all =P

MukyDaCookie 0

Pretend you have no idea waht she is talking about, pretend to be answering your phone or something and look up at everyone and be like "What?". It works about 80% of the time for me, unless someone else saw you do it. Ignorance is bliss

It was in jest when I said "she was asking for it" as it's the usual lame excuse people say for women get who harrassed, etc...She wasn't asking for it! Hello! With that, let's move on...

Anyone saying this is totally unacceptable - grow up! It was an ACCIDENT, a strong apology would have been needed, but nothing else. She calls you a perv, you re-iterate it was an accident. If he's genuine he should feel embaressed, but let's not all gang up because he ACCIDENTALLY knocked her.

Clearly, you aren't good looking otherwise she would have thrown a wink your way or something of that nature. Bummer.