Pesky kids

By no one - This FML is from back in 2012 but it's good stuff - United States - Dallas

Today, my house caught on fire. The firefighters said that it was caused by a lit cigarette on the carpet. I don't smoke, but apparently my 13 year-old son does. FML
I agree, your life sucks 38 187
You deserved it 4 038

Top comments

I'm a habitual smoker myself. Something about sucking long and hard on phallic objects really steams my clam, you know what I mean? Is that just me?


Looks like you're going to get hardwood floors now?

MaddySwaggedUp 0

I live in Texas. What's your sons name, I might know him.

dtemple1110 6

Talk about double whammies!

How could you not catch your son smoking. I mean like it's so easy. Just smell their breath. And if they ate something then smell their cloths or if it smells like Axe or Old Spice then that means that their trying to cove it up. I'm 15 and smoke but I know all that stuff just try it.

sparky333441 18

#73 why are you smoking when you're 15?! Jeesus christ it'll kill you, get you addicted, and arrested! Haven't you seen the commercials with lady and the hole in her throat?? Christ, that might be you! (That goes for you too, 13 year old.) I'm 14 and I can't believe someone younger than me is freakin' smokin' already.

Hmm. A 15 year old who smokes has the username "badass24". Thanks for contributing to the stereotype, kiddo.

People like you make me ashamed to be a teenager.

OHai15 12

You see those creepy ass commercials on TV about ppl losing their legs and shit??? ohhh **** no, get your son off that shit now!!

That's got to be the worst way to find out. I can see you being mad at him for smoking but to cause the house to burn down because of smoking?!