Pesky kids

By no one - This FML is from back in 2012 but it's good stuff - United States - Dallas

Today, my house caught on fire. The firefighters said that it was caused by a lit cigarette on the carpet. I don't smoke, but apparently my 13 year-old son does. FML
I agree, your life sucks 38 187
You deserved it 4 038

Top comments

I'm a habitual smoker myself. Something about sucking long and hard on phallic objects really steams my clam, you know what I mean? Is that just me?


106 - if you don't want to have the negative stigma regarding pot attached to you, then don't brag about it on FML.

Beat his ******* ass. Honestly people sometimes a kid deserves nothing less than a beating.

What he said. Plus the wink and your profile tells a different story, sis.

desireev 17

If it wasn't an ATTEMPT at looking 'cool', then why would you post it as a comment on a public commenting site??? All it did was make you look like a jackass... Smoking weed isn't cool... AT ALL!! And the fact that you're 16 makes you look even worse for smoking anything, be it cigarettes or weed! If you're gonna be a 'cool kid' and smoke marijuana, don't make it known to the world. Because now you look like a freakin' moron!

jmm23 0

Can't you smell the smoke? It reaks in their clothes now come on

jre89 0

Actually that's not necessarily true. I have a very low tolerance to cigarette smoke and can generally smell it a mile away on people but I didn't know my fiancé smoked when we first started seeing each other. His skin doesn't smell, his car doesn't, neither do his hands or clothes.

grapeschicka4 0

Is your 13 year old son cute? Im a 13 year old girl, not a petafile!

CoffeeChickBlows 13

go smoke a ****, hevverz, at this rate it's the only way you're gunna get anywhere in life

speedsk8r4evr 1

Hope everything is okay with your home and nothing was damaged!

What a terrible way to find out!!! Hopefully no one was hurt, you guys can work on getting rid of those evil things for good!!!!! Wishing you all the best!!!!!