Pets 4 life

By Anon - This FML is from back in 2011 but it's good stuff - United States

Today, I was so lonely that I was comforted by the sound of mice running through the walls of my apartment. I left cheese and peanut butter out for them to find so that I could at least have a pet for company. FML
I agree, your life sucks 36 542
You deserved it 10 043

Top comments

haha until they have friends over and you have 40 Pets that you don't want


peanut butter chokes rats and mice because they are unable to remove it from the back of their mouth. you probably killed a few.

Hire a hooker you'll feel better within minutes

It's ok I also get lonely sometimes but I never knew that mice like peanut butter.

Wikipedia, The site that says president Lincoln was born in the year 2042.

MyyLifeeIssFcked 0

Aww that's sad :( go make friends and get out of your apartment more often.

skyeyez9 24

A domestic mouse or rat from a pet store would make a good pet for you op. They are disease free and friendlier than their wild brethren. Also, wild mice carry diseases like Hantavirus that can kill you.

doubleodoggy 0

I don't blame you, I get lonely all the time!

aww thats so cute i live mice they funny

You realize that peanut butter. . . Kills them, right? Kinda like a diabetic at a candy buffet.