Pets 4 life

By Anon - This FML is from back in 2011 but it's good stuff - United States

Today, I was so lonely that I was comforted by the sound of mice running through the walls of my apartment. I left cheese and peanut butter out for them to find so that I could at least have a pet for company. FML
I agree, your life sucks 36 543
You deserved it 10 043

Top comments

haha until they have friends over and you have 40 Pets that you don't want


HunterAlpha1 8

too bad there are no such things as pet stores, where you could actually go an buy yourself a dog or a cat.

wow...go outside...get an xbox...something...

that is so cute, sorry that your so alone but mice make the best friends

That0therguy 4

You seem like a nice person... with a mental condition.

bandgeek0068 1

makes me think of the movie Willard just wait and get eaten by the mice.

WickedPixie 0

Rats actually make fantastic pets. Maybe they're rats instead. Either way, that's really sad. I don't know if I should giggle or cry for you. Get out and make friends, OP. *hug*

NinjaKat99 0

u r gonna turn into Willard lol