Pets 4 life

By Anon - This FML is from back in 2011 but it's good stuff - United States

Today, I was so lonely that I was comforted by the sound of mice running through the walls of my apartment. I left cheese and peanut butter out for them to find so that I could at least have a pet for company. FML
I agree, your life sucks 36 543
You deserved it 10 043

Top comments

haha until they have friends over and you have 40 Pets that you don't want


Wow that is really depressing. It really makes me feel good about myself

Do you need a time out youngling? Please calm your hormones .

I have two gerbils as pets. They are much easier to care for considering they only pee and poo in one place, and they are way cuter. I suggest getting those instead of mice OP and call an exterminator FYL.

bro u need to get out n party! that's hella sad, I'd smoke u out o weed n ull have a kickass time haha

gregmoran 0

go outside and ride a bus or a train. reintegrate yourself without actually having to talk to anyone.

gregmoran 0

what's with all the mice haters?

Crazy4Christ 0

i love listening to mice run around my room. I think they r cute