Pets 4 life

By Anon - This FML is from back in 2011 but it's good stuff - United States

Today, I was so lonely that I was comforted by the sound of mice running through the walls of my apartment. I left cheese and peanut butter out for them to find so that I could at least have a pet for company. FML
I agree, your life sucks 36 542
You deserved it 10 043

Top comments

haha until they have friends over and you have 40 Pets that you don't want


OP I'll send a puppy your way if you're that desperate for company. Anything that will get rid of those mice. People go out of their way to exterminate them and you're gladly rearing them.

johnnybagodonuts 2

nobody cares enough to research something so pointless

have fun with that mouse shit all over your house, bud.

no, your dumb. I used to have pet mice and I fed them cheese. did they die? nope. they lived to be about 2 or 3, the normal mousey lifetime, and then they died. not because i fed them cheese.

I finally found someone I'd like to party with..!

jennifer93 0

awe:( sounds like you need to get out more for sure!!!

Probably a good idea to join a club you like and make friends that way. Mice shit all over your stuff, literally.

maybe you should get some real human friends...

screw the humans; just get a dog best animal ever.

Sounds like something Bill Dauterive from King of the Hill would do haha.