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Pleased to meet you

By Hailey - This FML is from back in 2011 but it's good stuff - United States

Today, I brought my date home to meet my parents. We walked in the front door to find my drunken father wearing nothing but a Viking helmet, while swinging and jabbing our living room furniture with a pool noodle. FML
I agree, your life sucks 32 939
You deserved it 3 243

Top comments

Correct me if I'm wrong, but I'm pretty sure he was using the pool noodle to attack the furniture.

Viking helmets and pool noodles? I'm gonna have to remember that next time I get drunk it sounds like fun


I wonder what he was using the pool noddle for 0.o

Correct me if I'm wrong, but I'm pretty sure he was using the pool noodle to attack the furniture.

fakeaccountX 6

I don't care how embarrassed you might have been, that's ******* awesome.

At least he was using the noodle to jab stuff, and not that other thingy he's got...

Wow this is the first time i noticed they change the fmls to make them funnier... The original which i voted for to be submitted said something like this: Today, I brought my date home to meet my parents. We walked in the front door to find my drunken father wearing nothing but a Viking helmet, and telling me to wear a condom. Im 14. FML

indielove 13

So did she enjoy meeting them. . .?

Did the helmet have horns? Was he horny?

"I have slain the mighty dragon!" "Dad, that's a chair..."

Viking helmets and pool noodles is all you ever need in life.

tsume24 3

1: he was using the pool NOODLE to swing and jab at furniture. did you not read the whole FML? lol...noodle.

71, you look scary with those piercings in your face. I'd recommend removing them before any children see them.

your drunken dad Is the coolest! I'd show him off to my friends!

What's going to happen when she meets your mom?

do you by any chance call your mom the furnitures, cuz that would explain why he was jabbing his noodle at it.

tsume24 3

72 - I have two jobs, and one of them is a babysitting job. the kid loves me. (: I like how you completely changed the subject though. what's the next one gonna be!?

zuzupetalsYO 11

I'd meet your dad to swim in your pool.

zuzupetalsYO 11

I love #71's piercings. It's dem eye brows I can't handle...

tsume24 3

...what's wrong with my eyebrows? o.0

Alex94xela 0

She doesn't look scary She could probably look better Without the piercings But she looks quite attractive to me

tsume24 3

thank you (: however, my piercings are a part of who I am. I honestly don't think I'd look or feel right without them. I doubt you know who she is, but being pierced by Elayne Angel was something I'll never forget. and kids have always loved me, so. :P

that's a picture perfect dad for and learn

May seem bad but i don't think he'll dump you over it.

kikibrowm 7

What are you talking about, I'd date someone who has a naked Viking dad hitting stuff with a pool noodle!

crazychick1269 7

I would marry a guy with a Viking dad hitting stuff with a noodle:)

What kind of noodle? Italian? Asian? Pool? We need answers girl!

paynee 0

Did you read the FML completely? It does say POOL noodle...

I think 118 was referring to what 110 said haha

I think OP should be happy his father isn't jabbing everything with his penis :P

kickazz16 15

Lol I'd be laughing like crazy if I was your date!

olpally 32

I'd be slightly disturbed while I laughed nervously... Haha

Lolpizza_fml 0

I knew it was a bad idea as soon as you said to meet my parents.

Viking helmets and pool noodles? I'm gonna have to remember that next time I get drunk it sounds like fun

_NoobsRapedMe 2

So did you guys then have dinner dressed as vikings?

yamatelle 19

Thank God he wasn't jabbing the furniture with his penis. That would have made the situation more awkward than it already is.

ikickgingers 15

It would have been a lot more entertaining. Jab and pool noodle in the same paragraph just doesn't do anything for me.

But she has the force on her side, so that's a plus...

BernieBeauty 1

that sounds awesome! wish I had a dad like that.