Potterheads, man…

By Anonymous - 14/04/2012 02:06 - France

Today, after several years of having her help me out by doing household chores, I bought my fifteen-year-old daughter a new pair of jeans. Her reaction was to squeal, "Master has presented Dobby with clothes. Dobby is free!" FML
I agree, your life sucks 16 822
You deserved it 62 088

Same thing different taste

Top comments

..What is that mysterious ticking noise? ..Snape. ..Snape... Severus Snape. ..Harry Potter, Harry Potter! :D


I don't think you saw the same movie I did.

What I find strange is that OP's daughter has been 15 for several years. No? Ok, I'll shut up now.

I thought the same thing. "For several years I had my teenage daughter..."

Shadow_Phantom 26

What? YDI for not having a sense of humor. XD


BubbleGrunge 18

You sound like a horrible mother. It took your daughter several years of dish washing before you bought her a pair of jeans? Poor kid, least she is made of win though!!!

Op didn't say it was the first time she's ever bought her some jeans. It's just the first time that her daughter has responded with an annoying Harry Potter reference rather than a simple "Thanks Mum. Is there anything else I can help you with?"

Matty1188 6

Am I the only one that supposed the jeans were an expensive pair the daughter really wanted?

PandaPandamoneum 0

Same here, #84. What surprises me is that these people are mis-reading the FML and thinks OP is a bad mother.

BubbleGrunge 18

Then maybe OP shouldn't have stated "After several years". That makes it sound like she had her daughter work several years for a pair of jeans.

Well, a (perhaps) more exact translation of the French FML would be something like : Today, I've been asking my fifteen year old daughter to help me with the chores for several years. Today, when I bought her a new pair of jeans, her reaction was to squeal "Master has presented Dobby with clothes, Dobby is now freeeeeeeeee !" There is no implication whatsoever that OP had her daughter work for years just in order to get a new pair of jeans ^^

suitgirl5 5

This is smart-assery at its finest, kudos to your awesome daughter. I hope she remembers "TROLL IN THE DUNGEON" when she loses her virginity too.

PandaBuddy13 0